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About staking More
What is
the staking?
What is
the unstaking?
Is the Union Staking
How to consider
profit amount?
What is the process
of the staking?
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  • Staking Service Terms of Use
  • Digital assets that have been applied for Upbit staking will be excluded from the assets held, traded, and withdrawable within the member's account from the time of Upbit staking application until Upbit unstaking is completed.
  • The value of the digital asset itself that is subject to staking or unstaking may fluctuate regardless of this service, and any loss due to fluctuations in the price of digital assets while using this service is attributable to the member and the company is not responsible for this.
  • The reward for staking will constantly change depending on the blockchain network situation for each digital asset, and the company cannot intervene in this, and does not provide any guarantees regarding the level of rewards to members. Members must check the level of rewards for each digital asset through the detailed page on the homepage and apply for Upbit staking.
  • Assets in a pending state of staking (or unstaking) do not accrue rewards.
  • Assets in a pending state of staking (or unstaking) do not accrue rewards.
*The service is not a financial product protected by the Capital Market Act or the Financial Consumer Protection Act, etc., and the compensation rate presented may vary depending on the operating environment of each virtual asset.

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* 마이닝 수익을 출금 시 회원님의 지갑으로 USDT가 지급됩니다.
What is the staking?
Staking refers to a method of proposing or validating new blocks in a blockchain network that uses the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm. Users who hold digital assets can stake their digital assets to participate in the blockchain network consensus process, contribute to the block proposal and verification process, and receive rewards accordingly.
What is the unstaking?
Unstaking means stopping staking on a blockchain network. Unstaking requires an unstaking waiting period depending on the policy of each blockchain network. You can check your holdings in the exchange once unstaking is complete.
Is Union Staking safe?
By staking digital assets to validators directly operated by Upbit upon the user's request, Upbit contributes to improving the security of each blockchain network, and does not arbitrarily operate the digital assets or entrust them to external companies. To prevent risks from hacking and other accidents, users' digital assets are safely stored in cold wallets. Cold wallets are not connected to the internet, so they are safe from hacking.
How is the compensation amount determined?
Rewards are calculated and distributed based on the ‘Staking Amount’, and these rewards are distributed in the form of being added to the user’s ‘Staking Amount’.
Rewards accrued are staked back onto the network.
How does staking work?
img_staking_how [Waiting after application]: This is the stage where staking operations such as deposits and withdrawals are in progress on the network after applying for staking (delegation) of the assets held. [Complete]: This is the stage where staking is activated on the network, staking is complete, and rewards are generated. [Reward]: Rewards are calculated and distributed based on the ‘Staking Amount’, and these rewards are distributed in the form of being added to the user’s ‘Staking Amount’.